2 commercial spaces for sale in Geneva

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Photo 1 of the property LCGG

CHF 1’170’000.-

Leased arcade at Grand-Pré


168 m2
Photo 1 of the property LCEV

CHF 3’500’000.-

Arcade rented to La Maison des Paons

Genève 15

240 m2

Offices and commercial spaces for sale in Geneva

Nestled within the canton of Geneva, the city of Geneva offers a prime selection of offices and commercial spaces for sale. At Moser Vernet, we take great pride in presenting you with an exclusive portfolio that showcases a diverse range of commercial buildings available for purchase. Whether you seek a contemporary office space in the bustling city center, a charming retail space in a historic district, or a versatile commercial property in a strategic location, our portfolio caters to various business needs and investment aspirations. With our expertise in the Geneva real estate market, we are committed to helping you find the ideal commercial space that aligns with your goals and vision. Explore our offerings and embark on a journey to secure a valuable asset in this vibrant and thriving business hub.

Why Invest in Geneva's commercial real estate?

Our Portfolio of Commercial Real Estate